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ESFK supports Serbs in Orahovac

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Shortly before the end of the year, the school “Dositej Obradović”, as well as family Grković from Orahovac will appreciate the continued support. So the European Solidarity Front for Kosovo (ESFK) donated a beamer projector, which director Suzana Milicevic could take in the reception a few days ago. The device is expected to further increase the opportunities of the teachers’ collective in the design of teaching and leisure activities of the children. Attached to the package also donated shoes and toys were for younger children in kindergarten “Naša radost”.

About much needed winter shoes for her three sons, the family of Slavoljub Grković can be happy. The acquisition enabled donations of our supporters from all over Europe! Both donations comprise a total value of about 450, – Euro.

The remaining Serbs in Orahovac whose community of formerly several thousand today includes only several hundred people, living under the most difficult circumstances. The few streets large settlement still is a target of threats and assaults.

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