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Vandalism in serbian cemetery

esfkadmin 0

GRACANICA. As the portal reports, the serbian cemetery in Lipljan was devastated last weekend. For the seventh time in the last twenty years, „unknown persons“ destroyed plates and tombstones.

„There were many murders here, many people were killed, houses were burned down, but these are just stones… we will rebuild the tomb, they will destroy it, we will raise it again and we will see…“, says Dojcic Kostic, whose parent’s grave was also destroyed.

The Kosovo-Police made a statement that the graves at the serb cemetery of Lipljan were destroyed and investigations were initiated.

In 1999, according to, 6000 Serbs lived in Lipljan. Today, there are about 800 who, after the recent incidents, remain sad, outraged, and above all, scared.


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